The Johnson-Shaw Foundation
Overcoming adversity & preventing recidivism
What We Do
At The Johnson-Shaw Foundation, we want to serve the men, women, and children that are affected by incarceration and the barriers during reentry to the community. The barriers that The Johnson-Shaw Foundation would like to resolve includes, but is not limited to:
- Access to bus passes, birth certificates, and proper identification
- Providing rental, utility assistance, furnishings and household items
- Directions to union trades programs, education, and meaningful employment
- Provide seasonal needs and supplemental attention to children of those incarcerated
Our Mission
“Empowering socioeconomically disadvantaged people transform their lives and positively impact their communities”
Become a Volunteer. Get Involved.
If you are interested in how you can make an impact on those who were recently incarcerated and their families, please contact The Johnson-Shaw Foundation and we can assess how you would like to help with our initiatives at the time.
Signing a New Lease
Johnson-Shaw Foundation looks to help people re-enter society after prison
While in and out of jail for nearly a quarter-century, Jeffrey Johnson said he never felt like he could find the right support to help with addiction issues that kept cycling him through the justice system. The Bentleyville native played football at Washington &...
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
“Empowering socioeconomically disadvantaged people transform their lives and positively impact their communities”